Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Gesundheit! ~ An original poem

Until I can conduct my next interview, you shall have to content yourself with some impromptu poetry skillz. In English last week, Weichert had every student put five of their favorite words on the board. Then, she had everyone write a poem using atleast ten of those words once everyone was finished. This is what I came up with. (most of these are not my words, and I was feeling very silly.)

Thomas released a phenominal ooze
Mucus, play-doh of omnipotence, began to coagulate
Lungs, through the depths of esophogus, had to elucidate
Death of a nostril
Breathing now oral
Kleenex is gone, bacteria's loose

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Self-Centered Guide to Being Awesome ~Chapter One: Feed Your Cat

After making the decision to begin this posterity-driven undertaking, my first interview choice was clear: my loving cat, Kcub. When asked why I was awesome, the cat simply purred. If you know Kcub, the meaning is clear. Kcub purrs quite often, and the sound has various meanings, such as "pet me," "pick me up," "put me down," or "throw that mouse toy." Most often, it means "feed me." Most cats meow when they are hungry, but Kcub simply rubs up against the cabinet where his food is kept and purrs. It did not take me long to realize what this meant, as he purrs while eating his food as well. While food is important, I doubt that feeding kcub is the only reason he appreciates my awesomeness. I also respond to his other purrs, and play with my cat as often as time permits. Sometimes, I even let him win. My cat is a very happy cat. You can tell by the way he purrs so often. If you want to be awesome, then you will be attentive to your pets. Your pets will appreciate this, and respond with gratitude, and recognize you for the awesome pet owner that you are. If you don't believe me, just ask Kcub how awesome I am.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Self-Centered Guide to Being Awesome ~Introduction

It has been established by several sources that I am awesome. This is certainly fine by me, but it begs the question "Why am I awesome?" Personally, I don't much care about the answer to that question, but what if some kid comes up to me and asks "Marten, how did your get to be so awesome?" I couldnt just tell him that I don't know and walk off. What if he wanted to be awesome like me? So, for that purpose, I have decided to research my awesomeness. This research shall be conducted as follows: I shall interview various people, asking them why I am awesome, as well as why I am not awesome, so as to get a well rounded and unbiased set of data. The information gained in this fashion shall be compiled and interpreted to form a guide, so that anyone aspiring to be awesome may make use of it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


This isn't usually the place to put dramatic personal posts, but something incredible happened yesterday. Nights of feeling depressed, overthinking about it, feeling stupid, and general confusion have been, um, somethinged. She loves me. She Loves Me! I'm not some pathetic guy thats obsessed over this girl who has made me want to sing, yell, kiss and kill. I'd told Sophia how I felt before, but, I don't know, she was afraid, or something, but yesterday, she figured it out, and she told me she loved me, in front of the entire drama class! Teacher and all! This is funny, sad, silly, and beautiful all at the same time! It's impossible to say how much that meant to me, for her to say that, knowing full well that the class would never let us hear the end of it. I look back and think about it, still knowing that I'm a highschool kid that has no idea what love is, but right now it doesn't matter. Even if it ends sometime into the future, it doesn't matter, because it will always have happened. We'll figure it out. I know I sound silly, but I don't care, I have Sophia, and she has me.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

If you can break it, you can build something better

I had this random rant in english. I am very tired and hungry.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. This is a well known metaphor, usually to denote the precarious position of the person to whom the metaphor is directed. This person, who, for the purpose of this rant, we shall name Jerry, is currently protected by the fragile logic represented by a "glass house." Unfortunately, Jerry has begun to throw metaphorical stones, or ideas that are not compatible with his current logical foundation. These stones shatter the glass of Jerry's weak logicand he finds himself completely unprotected in a metaphorical world that represents his intellectual position. Of course, one rarely takes into consideration that Jerry, while out of a logical resting place, now possesses several logical rocks, with which Jerry can take a number of different actions. Possibility one: Jerry, frustrated with his lack of shelter, takes his rocks and begins throwing them at other glass houses. Unfortunately, this action will lead to resentment by the home owners who were happy with their transparent logical structures. These victims of frustrated logic will retaliate, pelting poor Jerry with their shards of ignorance. The broken pieces of their glass houses, while not as heavy or as solid as Jerry's rocks, are sharp and very dangerous. Hopefully, Jerry will learn from from this mistake. Then, he can take his rocks and build a new house of logic. It may not be perfect, but it would be better than his old glass house. If he should discover a substance that could break his new walls, he will only have something sturdier with which to build a new structure.