Monday, October 23, 2006

On Ice Cream

There are many people in this world who would fight to death for the honor of their favorite flavor of ice cream. I have met many people who stand steadfast by cookie dough, still more who spill blood in the name of mint chocolate chip. There are the elitist toffees and the childish cookies and creams. Personally, I take the same view on icecream as I do on salad: beauty in diversity. There can be an icecream for every mood, a topping for every whim, a flavor for every desire. Let's take the pure simplicity of vanilla. It is pleasurable in and of itself, even though some less enlightened might consider it "boring." The simplest additions to vanilla create new worlds of experience, a dash of chocolate syrup, a pinch of sprinkles, a dallop of whipped cream. Sundaes are a form of art. Banana splits are sculptures of flavor. Neopolitan ice cream embraces the diversity that all ice cream should represent. Let lovers of ice cream not war over their favorites, but rejoice in the existence of all flavors!


Anonymous said...

way to make crave ice cream marten :-P

i remember the time you came over just bc i wanted some ice cream :) what a great friend you are

Anonymous said...

i may be shot for this, but i dont think icecreams all that great...