Thursday, October 26, 2006

I was bored. it's not that great.

In a world where nothing is certain, one lone Otter who is all by himself stands alone against the forces of darkness with no one to help him.

Surrounded by servants of chaos, the Lone Otter draws his sword, and proceeds to wave it about in a fairly unproductive and wild fashion, since there was no one to show him how to use it.

Luckily, there were some basic instructions written on the hilt: hold on end, and poke the other end into people.

You would think that with such vague instructions, the Lone Otter wouldn't stand a chance against the forces of darkness and/or chaos, but you've obviously forgotten that this is a world where nothing is certain.

Dark, armoured beasts wearing dark armour slashed and swung at our hero, but the Lone Otter, whilst swing his sword about, dodged and parried every blow. Occasionally, his sword would strike a vital artery or organ of one of the many fiends that surrounded him.

Eventually, the clearing was littered with the bodies of a dozen or so servants of dark chaos. (They were in a clearing, by the way, that may not have been mentioned)

The Lone Otter looked around at his handiwork, and said to himself, since he was the only one there, "Wow, that was easy. I think I'd like an omelet, now," and headed to a local village, which happened to have a Denny's.

Little did the Lone Otter know what waited for him in the adventures ahead. In fact, he didn't really know anything or even that he had an adventure ahead of him. He just sort of figured that being attacked by servants of chaotic darkness was the sort of thing that happened all the time. Otters, after all, are not known for their understanding of evil plots for world domination and/or destruction.

Meanwhile, in a Dark Palace, far away in a country ruled by chaos, a villainous looking fellow paced back and forth (as if one could pace in any other direction, what a superfluous use of words). "Curse that solitary water dwelling mammal, he has defeated a dozen or so of my finest warriors!" A dark figure appeared before him in a sort spooky shadowy hologram. "Fool!" said the shadow thingy. "how could your warriors be so weak to be defeated by such an unlikely hero?" The villainous looking fellow shuddered in terror, as dark shadowy overlord-types are prone to killing their own subordinates. "forgive me, dark and chaotic one. We were unprepared. It won't happen again." The shadowy thing's glowing red eyes (Dark rulers of chaos often have glowing red eyes. So do Chaotic lords of Darkness, for that matter.) narrowed. "No, no it wont." The villainous looking character proceeded to writhe in pain as pain coursed through his dark, villainous body. The shadowy thing did not kill him at this time, however, so you don't need to feel any of that weird sympathy that people sometimes feel for bad guys when higher ranking bad guys kill them.

Back in the village, the Lone Otter found the Denny's with little trouble. Upon entering the restaurant, he was seated in a timely manner by a decent-looking waitress. Said waitress proceeded to pour him coffee and told him his omelett would be out in just a moment.

As the coffee made its way from the pot to his mug, the Lone Otter suddenly realized something. "Hey, I didn't tell you I wanted an omelete!" He immediately drew his conveniently labeled sword, and pointed it at her throat, causing her to spill the rest of the coffee. Luckily, there wasn't that much. "You must have used dark magic to read my mind!"

"Please, sir," said the waitress, "it's common knowledge that otters like omeletes. You looked like you needed one." The Lone Otter sheathed his weapon, and took a sip of his coffee. "Very well. I apologize. It's just that I'm a bit jumpy. I am standing alone against the forces of darkness, after all."
It might be worth mentioning that the waitress is, in fact, human. This isn't some kind of silly animal story.

“That’s perfectly understandable, my dear. These are uncertain times, it seems as though everyone’s on edge.”

The waitress walked off to fetch the Lone Otters omelet.


Jonah Comstock said...


Anonymous said...

Obviously written by someone with too much time on their hands. Do your Chinese homework! Love, Mom

The Jon of (Dis)truction said...

Did you know that termites eat through wood 2 times fater when listening to rock music? I didn't. Sorry, it seemed like an appropriate thing to say.