Sunday, February 12, 2006

A Dialogue

Not much, but I decided it was funny.

MARTEN: Alright, van, time to go.

VAN: ...

MARTEN: Hey, I gotta go to work.

VAN: I don't waaaannaaaaa

MARTEN: C'mon, I'm gonna be late!

VAN: It's Cold.

MARTEN: Don't be such a baby, it's only two miles.

VAN: Not moving.

MARTEN: Did I not just fill the gas tank and add oil?



VAN: It would be nice if you actually changed the oil. I've had the same filter since November.

MARTEN: Don't make me get out the starter fluid.

VAN:...Fine. (grumbles)


Erin said...

Ah, the Doom Van. The Decade Falcon. My dear friend.
That really is a lot like me convincing myself to go to class in the morning.
ME: Go to class.
ME: I don't waaaanaa.
ME: You have to go to class.
ME: It's cold.
ME: Do you not know that you have to go to this class to take notes because without the notes you have no idea what's going on?
ME: After this, you never have to take a science again.
ME: Oh, *fine.*

Evey said...

Ha, I love it. Sounds like me arguing with my cat. In the middle of the night. When I want to sleep.

Anonymous said...

haha how i adore you and your van marten ^.^