Monday, March 07, 2005

The title of this post will become obvious, but I didn't really want it at the top of my page in bold letters.

The guide to being awesome shall be put on hiatus because I don't really feel awesome right now. I feel like an ass. I can't get a fucking job, I'm failing weichert's class because I'm fucking lazy, my parents are mad because I can't get a fucking job and I've got a fucking headache. I can't say what else is bothering me because it would probably make it worse. I'm tired of saying fucking obsenities, because fuck is probably one of the stupidest words in existence. It doesn't even make you feel any better for getting your fucking anger out, it just makes you sound like a fucking pile of white trash. It even looks fucking ugly, I mean look at the fucking word! Is it pleasant to read? doesn't it make you want to write some fucking complaint to whoever the fuck wrote this fucking word? I mean, god, it's like duck without the cool. Ducks are awesome, why should they have to bear a name that rhymes with the worst fucking word in our fucking language? I pity anyone named Charles, as well. They don't have it as bad as the ducks, though, atleast they don't have to take the nickname. Ducks are stuck the way they are. Which is kind of the way I feel, I can't do anything about anything. Every fucking problem I have has a way of perpetuating itself so I can't do any better. Every report card it's some average or lower GPA, and it gets on my nerves, but I don't do a fucking thing about it. I don't know why, I just don't. Maybe I don't really want to go to fucking college or have a fucking possibility of a future. Maybe I secretly want to be a fucking bum and live off garbage that people throw at me. Maybe I'll apprentice to some janitor before I have a chance to not graduate, and I'll live at LC for the rest of my fucking life. Maybe I'll turn to a life of crime and be a fucking pirate until I get caught and sent to jail, where people who actually had the sort of circumstancial upbringing to lead to that end will fuck me up the ass.


Erin said...

Wow. Fuck.
You are not an ass, at all. I can't get a job, either. And you still have plenty of time to do something about your grades. It's obvious you care about them. Don't ever limit yourself by what you've done in the past. And, if worse comes to worst, you can live in a box with me and my English degree. I promise to at least keep you from the life of crime and the ass fucking.
Which really *is* an ugly word. Too bad about the ducks.
I have to go to class in a moment, so love you and talk to you later. (hugs)

Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

I fing goddamn makes feel feel better than fucking usually, but that's just personal preference. Anyway, Marten, you still have a lot going for you - if nothing else you're apparently irresistable to women, so you can just marry some really rich girl and live a luxurious life as a trophy husband.