Thursday, February 17, 2005

Self-Centered Guide to Being Awesome ~Chapter One: Feed Your Cat

After making the decision to begin this posterity-driven undertaking, my first interview choice was clear: my loving cat, Kcub. When asked why I was awesome, the cat simply purred. If you know Kcub, the meaning is clear. Kcub purrs quite often, and the sound has various meanings, such as "pet me," "pick me up," "put me down," or "throw that mouse toy." Most often, it means "feed me." Most cats meow when they are hungry, but Kcub simply rubs up against the cabinet where his food is kept and purrs. It did not take me long to realize what this meant, as he purrs while eating his food as well. While food is important, I doubt that feeding kcub is the only reason he appreciates my awesomeness. I also respond to his other purrs, and play with my cat as often as time permits. Sometimes, I even let him win. My cat is a very happy cat. You can tell by the way he purrs so often. If you want to be awesome, then you will be attentive to your pets. Your pets will appreciate this, and respond with gratitude, and recognize you for the awesome pet owner that you are. If you don't believe me, just ask Kcub how awesome I am.

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