Saturday, January 01, 2005


For any of this to make any sense at all, it must first be understood that I really don't like tomatoes. I hate it when fast food places forget to take the tomato off of my sandwhich, and it drives me nuts when the tomatoes are diced and mixed in with salads so I can't possibly pick them out. With that understood, I can attempt to make a point by telling you that I ate a tomato once, not too long ago. It was on a Wendy's spicy chicken sandwhich. I saw it, I almost took it off, but for some reason I didn't. I ate the sandwhich, tomato and all. It wasn't terrible, I didn't nearly choke on it like usual, and I kind of enjoyed it. That isn't to say that I no longer dislike tomatoes, or that I won't take the tomato off of the next spicy chicken sandwhich I eat, it's just that I did something I usually wouldn't do, and I feel better for it. I'm not entirely sure what this random tomato inspired epiphany means, but it has something to do with doing things we don't like to do. Not all the time, just occasionally. We can't be made to do it, we just have to do it because, despite previous feelings against it, it's probably a good idea. Perhaps the world would be a better place if people did something that they normally hated doing every once in a while.


Jonah Comstock said...

That's stream-of-conciousness alright.

Michael said...

POKE! Hee Hee Hee! POKE! Hee Hee Hee!